


Checkout what you can accomplish with Captisa Forms
This form was created using Captisa Form Builder. 

Conditional Logic

Create form rules and recommendations to apply conditional logic without writing code. Form rules provide a simple interface to implement and maintain fast-changing and commonly used rules.


Duplicate Detection

Maintain the integrity of your data, create duplicate rules to reduce duplicate records in your form entries.


Create automated workflow actions when entry is submitted or updated, send emails to different teams in your organization, update field entry.


Dashboards act as a business intelligence tool by providing a snapshot of your data in various forms. You can use a dashboard to simultaneously present data from up to six charts and data views.


Define how a list of records for a specific form is displayed in the application, the columns to display, how wide each column should be, and how the list of records should be sorted.


Apply filters to view select records. Filtering is a useful way to see only the data you want displayed. You can use filters to display specific records in data entries.

Minimum/maximum Selection

Select toppings

Date Validation


Q. What other date validations can I do?
A. Here is the list of date operators

- Equals
- Contains Data
- Does Not Contain Data
- Is Greater Than
- Is Less Than
- Is Less Than or Equal to
- On
- Not On
- Is After Today
- Is On or After Today
- Is Before Today
- Is On or Before Today

String Validation

Number Validation


Q. What other number validations can I do?
A. Here is the list of number operators

- Equals
- Contains Data
- Does Not Contain Data
- Is Greater Than
- Is Greater Than or Equal to
- Is Less Than
- Is Less Than or Equal to

Confirmation Validation

Sign Here

Custom Validation

Use form rule builder to compute age


Required Fields

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